Dental Month

Posted By Alliza Marino  
16:00 PM

For the Month of February Maraboon Vet Surgery offers a huge 15% off all Dental treatment that may be required for your cat or dog. Periodontal disease is the most common disease found in adult Dogs and Cats with 80% having some form of dental disease by the time they are three years old.

Periodontal disease causes inflammation and infection which spreads through the blood stream that can damage other organs including the heart, liver, and kidneys. It is imperative to ensure your dogs and cats have good oral health to ensure they have good overall health, which can also add 2 – 5 years onto their lives.

You can look after you cats’ and dogs’ oral health by booking regular dental check-ups from your vet, as well as tooth brushing at home with special dog and cat tooth brushes and tooth paste. Make sure you do not use human tooth paste as it is poisonous for animals. Cat and dog dental chews are a great alternative also. If you are not sure whether or not your dog or cat may have any form of dental disease take advantage of our Free Nurse Dental Checks that are also offered during Dental Month.