Dental Disease in Pets

Posted By Dr Angela Sutherland  
00:00 AM

Dental Disease in Pets

Everyone loves food, especially our pets! But it can be a little challenging to eat all our favourite snacks when we have painful teeth and gums.

A growing health problem amongst domesticated cats and dogs is dental disease. The breed of your pet, the food they are consuming and poor oral hygiene are all contributing factors to this. 

Plaque and calculus build-up can result in permanent damage to their teeth and gums. If their oral health is left untreated, they can develop painful cavities and periodontal disease. Which can then progress to further health complications including, systemic diseases of the kidneys and liver, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes complications, problems during pregnancy, and even cancer.

Fortunately, there is something you can do! When you book your regular dental check-up for yourself, book one for your pet as well. The Maraboon Vet Surgery offers outstanding dental care for your pets with all the state of the art dental diagnostic and treatment equipment to provide your pet with the best service possible. 

Your pets dental check-up and clean will involve a day visit to the vet. They will have a physical exam, bloodwork if necessary, and an intravenous catheter will be applied before the anaesthetic is administered. The entire procedure is completed and supervised by a veterinarian. The veterinarian will then clean and polish all the teeth, complete dental radiographs and evaluate each tooth. On occasion, your pet will require dental treatment. In this case, a treatment plan will be discussed with you and then carried out on the same day.

After their first dental check-up and clean, their oral health is up to you. Brushing your pets' teeth at home is the best prevention available for dental disease. Other dental products like dental diets, sprays, sealers and wipes can help. However, they are not as effective as brushing their teeth and regular cleans by your veterinarian.

For more information on dental disease in pets, along with some common questions and answers, feel free to visit our website or to book your pet in for their next dental check-up give our friendly team a call on 07 4987 6800.